She started to get a little cold the day or so before her birthday, so we warned her little party friends. Luckily, we still had some guests come: the Ellsworth's and Mandi and Kennedy Isom. Heidi was thrilled.
We enjoyed a wonderful sausage,egg, biscuit an smoothie breakfast. Then we moved on to singing happy birthday. Heidi had a fun time blowing out her '2' candle repeatedly at her request.
We had balloons and a carousel cake: chocolate with caramel sauce whipped cream and berries. The berries were a real hit with the girls and Heidi has even enjoyed the paper animals Spencer and I made for the top.

Her friends gave her sweet gifts that they could all play with right away: window crayons, construction paper, crayons, and a Minnie and Daisy puzzle.
When Heidi first woke up and saw the balloons, she held them by their strings and marched around the house with a sing song voice saying things like birthday and party!